Copyright vs trademark, are sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably. However, each body of law is distinct, has a different purpose and protects vastly different kinds of IP assets. A Trademark Protects Mainly Brand Names, Product Names and Service Names The purpose of a trademark is to protect a word, phrase, slogan…
We are often asked by our startup clients when is the right time to trademark a business name. The short answer is that you should file for trademark protection as soon as possible. The only caveat is that your trademark should be filed only after your business entity has been…
Dropbox scored an early win in a trademark suit that opposed the cloud storage giant to Thru. Now, Dropbox asked for an award of $1.95M in attorneys’ fees.
Patrón sued its former ad agency for false advertising, trademark infringement and Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) violation.
Tiffany & Co. was awarded a total of $13.75M by a New York Jury on counts of trademark infringement and trademark counterfeiting.
A suggestive trademark is a salutary compromise between marketing and legal considerations and has the makings of a very good trademark.
After former employer declined to invest in Defendant’s new business, Defendant turned cybersquatter
Pintrips filed a motion to dismiss Pinterest’s trademark claims, arguing that “pin” is generic, interestingly leaving out other important considerations.
Merely purchasing a domain name and acquiring a state trademark registration is insufficient to establish use of a mark in commerce.
Pinterest has made, and continues to make, many trademark blunders. Pintrips probably knows that. And even if risky, their strategy may pay off.